Building a solar powered, autonomous, unmanned aircraft

About Us

Founded in 2021, Team Daedalus consists of diverse multidisciplinary university students. Based at the TU/e Innovation Space, a hub and center of expertise for challenge-based learning at TU/e.

Our vision: to create a solar-powered autonomous drone capable of prolonged aerial surveillance, to be used for wildfire detection.

Our latest prototype

Lapyx 3

Our latest prototype, Lapyx 3, has recently been completed. It is a direct iteration on Lapyx 2.1. She has a 3.2 meter wingspan and a weighs 2.8 kilograms. Flight dynamics have been improved a lot, this will enable Lapyx 3 to have solar panels on board. Upgrades will be made on Lapyx 3: add solar panels, implement an autopilot and add an onboard camera module.

We are being supported by

The students behind this project

We currently consist of highly motivated students from a number of different faculties. All of us are eager to make an impact, and we hope to do so through this student team.

Check out our Youtube channel!

Jan 7, 2021 – Tim Walter

Nulla aliquam egestas quisque augue faucibus

Jan 7, 2021 – Tim Walter

Pellentesque adipiscing iaculis hac aliquam

Jan 7, 2021 – Tim Walter

Porta magna integer tellus